.jpg)
1.
broken
heart
can
hurt
more
than
any
physical
pain.
】
2.
Sometimes
it's
easier
to
express
your
emotions
through
art
than
through
words.
】
3.
The
saddest
thing
about
betrayal
is
that
it
never
comes
from
your
enemies.
】
4.
Pain
can
change
a
person
in
ways
that
are
unimaginable.
】
5.
Some
scars
never
truly
heal;
they
simply
fade
over
time.
】
6.
When
you're
in
pain,
never
let
anyone
tell
you
to
just
"get
over
it.
"
】
7.
The
best
art
comes
from
the
deepest
emotions.
】
8.
Tears
may
dry,
but
the
memories
of
hurtful
words
and
actions
never
truly
go
away.
】
9.
Why
is
it
that
the
people
who
hurt
us
the
most
are
often
the
ones
we
love
the
most?
】
10.
The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
to
forgive
someone
who
never
apologized.
】
11.
Trust
is
like
a
piece
of
paper
-
once
it's
crumpled,
it
can
never
be
fully
restored.
】
12.
Words
can
cut
deeper
than
any
knife
ever
could.
】
13.
The
pain
of
losing
someone
you
love
never
truly
goes
away.
】
14.
Betrayal
is
like
a
cold
wind
that
chills
your
heart
and
soul.
】
15.
Sometimes
we
hold
onto
sadness
because
it's
the
only
thing
we
have
left
of
what
once
made
us
happy.
】
16.
The
worst
pain
is
not
loving
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back,
but
loving
someone
who
used
to
love
you.
】
17.
Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
it
can
never
erase
the
memories
of
the
pain.
】
18.
Holding
onto
anger
and
bitterness
is
like
drinking
poison
and
hoping
the
other
person
will
die.
】
19.
The
most
beautiful
art
comes
from
the
most
painful
experiences.
】
20.
Some
people
are
like
clouds
-
when
they
leave,
the
sun
comes
out.
】