.jpg)
1.
"In
the
darkness,
the
only
light
have
is
the
dim
glow
of
the
wall
lamp.
It's
a
reminder
of
the
loneliness
that
envelopes
me.
"
【Loneliness】
2.
"The
wall
lamp
flickers,
just
like
my
hope
dwindles
as
the
night
wears
on.
"
【Fading
hope】
3.
"I
often
sit
by
the
wall
lamp,
wondering
if
its
warm
light
can
fill
the
void
in
my
heart.
"
【Empty
heart】
4.
"The
gentle
light
of
the
wall
lamp
gives
me
solace,
but
it
cannot
chase
away
the
demons
that
haunt
me.
"
【Haunted
by
demons】
5.
"As
the
night
deepens,
the
wall
lamp
casts
long
shadows
that
remind
me
of
the
mistakes
I've
made.
"
【Shadows
of
regret】
6.
"The
wall
lamp's
dim
light
is
all
have
to
combat
the
darkness
that
surrounds
me.
"
【Fighting
darkness】
7.
"The
wall
lamp
is
a
constant
reminder
of
the
passing
of
time,
and
the
memories
that
we
can
never
get
back.
"
【Time
and
memories】
8.
"In
the
midst
of
chaos,
the
wall
lamp's
soft
light
brings
a
sense
of
calmness
that
desperately
need.
"
【Calmness】
9.
"The
wall
lamp's
glow
is
a
metaphor
for
the
hope
that
still
burns
within
me,
despite
everything.
"
【Burning
hope】
10.
"The
wall
lamp
shines
like
a
beacon,
guiding
me
through
the
darkness
of
my
thoughts.
"
【Guiding
light】
11.
"The
wall
lamp's
light
is
feeble,
but
it's
a
reminder
that
even
the
smallest
glimmer
of
hope
can
make
a
difference.
"
【Small
glimmer】
12.
"As
the
night
grows
cold,
the
wall
lamp's
warmth
is
the
only
comfort
have.
"
【Comfort
in
warmth】
13.
"The
wall
lamp's
gentle
light
illuminates
the
path
ahead,
but
it's
up
to
me
to
take
the
first
step.
"
【Illuminating
path】
14.
"The
wall
lamp's
light
casts
a
shadow
of
doubt
over
everything
do,
but
still
soldier
on.
"
【Shadow
of
doubt】
15.
"The
wall
lamp's
flickering
light
reminds
me
that
life
is
fleeting,
and
every
moment
should
be
cherished.
"
【Fleeting
life】
16.
"As
sit
by
the
wall
lamp,
I'm
reminded
of
the
people
who
have
left
my
life,
and
the
ones
who
never
will.
"
【People
we
lose】
17.
"The
wall
lamp's
gentle
light
fills
the
room,
but
it
cannot
fill
the
void
in
my
heart
that
only
love
can.
"
【Void
in
heart】
18.
"The
wall
lamp's
dim
glow
is
a
comforting
presence
that
reminds
me
that
I'm
not
alone
in
this
world.
"
【Not
alone】
19.
"The
wall
lamp's
soothing
light
is
a
balm
for
the
wounds
that
carry
with
me
every
day.
"
【Healing
light】
20.
"As
watch
the
wall
lamp's
light
fade
into
darkness,
I'm
reminded
that
even
the
brightest
flames
will
eventually
peter
out.
"
【Fading
flame】