.jpg)
1.
The
gentle
breeze
caresses
my
face
as
stroll
along
the
path.
【感受自然】
2.
The
sound
of
leaves
rustling
soothes
my
busy
mind.
【降低压力】
3.
The
steady
rhythm
of
my
footsteps
grounds
me
in
the
present
moment.
【专注当下】
4.
Walking
allows
me
to
connect
with
nature
and
appreciate
its
beauty.
【与自然相连】
5.
The
soft
crunch
of
gravel
under
my
feet
is
a
comforting
sound.
【舒适的声音】
6.
love
the
way
the
sunlight
filters
through
the
trees
and
creates
dappled
shadows
on
the
ground.
【享受阳光】
7.
Walking
gives
me
a
chance
to
reflect
on
my
thoughts
and
emotions.
【思考自我】
8.
As
walk,
notice
the
subtle
changes
in
the
scenery
around
me.
【细节观察】
9.
The
cool
air
invigorates
me
and
rejuvenates
my
spirit.
【提神醒脑】
10.
Walking
with
a
loved
one
is
a
wonderful
way
to
connect
and
bond.
【和心爱的人一起散步】
11.
feel
like
I'm
in
a
peaceful
bubble
when
I'm
out
for
a
stroll.
【享受宁静】
12.
The
golden
hour
just
before
sunset
is
my
favourite
time
to
go
for
a
walk.
【赏心悦目】
13.
The
fresh
scent
of
flowers
and
trees
fills
my
nose
and
makes
me
smile.
【感官享受】
14.
Walking
helps
me
clear
my
head
and
puts
things
in
perspective.
【头脑清醒】
15.
like
to
take
my
time
and
savour
the
moment
when
I'm
out
walking.
【慢慢享受】
16.
The
simple
act
of
walking
makes
me
feel
alive
and
grateful.
【感恩生命】
17.
love
the
feeling
of
freedom
and
possibility
that
comes
with
each
step.
【探索未知】
18.
Walking
in
nature
is
a
great
way
to
refresh
my
creativity
and
imagination.
【激发灵感】
19.
feel
closer
to
myself
and
my
true
desires
when
I'm
out
walking.
【认清自我】
20.
The
sound
of
birds
chirping
and
singing
is
music
to
my
ears
and
heart.
【享受自然之音】