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1.
今天的大雨让人感觉特别压抑【Today's
heavy
rain
makes
people
feel
particularly
depressed】
2.
雨水不仅洗涤了世界,也洗涤了我们的心灵【Rain
not
only
washes
the
world,
but
also
washes
our
souls】
3.
大雨让城市变得更加灰暗,也让人们变得更加珍惜阳光【Heavy
rain
makes
the
city
darker,
but
also
makes
people
cherish
the
sun
more】
4.
坐在窗前听雨声,让人沉浸在自己的世界里【Sitting
by
the
window
and
listening
to
the
rain
makes
people
immerse
themselves
in
their
own
world】
5.
大雨中的花朵也显得更加美丽,带给人们更多的心灵安慰【Flowers
in
the
heavy
rain
become
more
beautiful,
bringing
more
spiritual
comfort
to
people】
6.
暴雨中要注意自我保护,但同时也要关注身边需要帮助的人【We
should
pay
attention
to
self-protection
during
heavy
rain,
but
also
pay
attention
to
those
who
need
help
around
us】
7.
带着悠悠的思绪,在雨中漫步,感受大自然的力量【Wandering
in
the
rain
with
melancholy
thoughts,
feeling
the
power
of
nature】
8.
大雨也是对我们生活的一种提醒,要珍惜每一天的阳光【Heavy
rain
is
also
a
reminder
of
our
life,
we
should
cherish
every
sunny
day】
9.
雨水冲刷了城市的尘埃,也洗净了人们的烦恼【Rain
washes
away
the
dust
of
the
city,
and
also
washes
away
people's
worries】
10.
坐在窗前看雨,听着生命的声音【Sitting
by
the
window
watching
the
rain,
listening
to
the
voice
of
life】
11.
在大雨中行走,感受到的不仅是湿润和寒冷,更是一份生命的气息【Walking
in
the
heavy
rain,
feeling
not
only
the
wetness
and
cold,
but
also
the
breath
of
life】
12.
大雨中,橙色的雨衣让人们变得亮眼,也给人们更多的安全感【In
the
heavy
rain,
orange
raincoats
make
people
more
noticeable
and
give
people
more
security】
13.
大雨不仅洗净了城市的灰尘,也洗涤了人们的内心世界【Heavy
rain
washes
away
not
only
the
dust
of
the
city,
but
also
the
inner
world
of
people】
14.
站在雨中,感受着大自然的力量,也感受着自己的渺小【Standing
in
the
rain,
feeling
the
power
of
nature,
and
also
feeling
one's
own
insignificance】
15.
大雨中,路上的水花溅得满身都是,但也让人感到格外清爽【In
the
heavy
rain,
the
water
splashes
all
over
the
body,
but
it
also
makes
people
feel
particularly
refreshed】
16.
大雨让人们不禁想起童年时雨中奔跑留下的足迹【Heavy
rain
reminds
people
of
the
footprints
left
by
running
in
the
rain
in
childhood】
17.
雨中漫步,会让心情变得平静,也会让人感到世界更加美好【Walking
in
the
rain
can
make
the
mood
calm,
and
it
also
makes
people
feel
that
the
world
is
more
beautiful】
18.
在雨中享受孤独,也是一种生活的美好【Enjoying
loneliness
in
the
rain
is
also
a
beauty
of
life】
19.
雨水不会停歇,而生活中的困难也如此,只有坚强勇敢才能迎接挑战【Rain
will
not
stop,
and
life's
difficulties
are
the
same,
only
by
being
strong
and
brave
can
we
face
the
challenge】
20.
你看那些被雨淋湿的树叶,就像生命中的无数起起落落,但它们依旧生机勃勃【Look
at
those
leaves
soaked
in
the
rain,
they
are
like
the
countless
ups
and
downs
in
life,
but
they
are
still
full
of
vitality】