1.
“我们的爱情就像雪人一样,纯洁、温暖,冰雪世界中的唯一珍宝。
”
【Love
like
a
snowman,
pure
and
warm,
the
only
treasure
in
the
icy
world.
】
2.
“在阳光明媚的日子里,我们走在一起,亲吻着,仿佛夏天就在眼前。
”
【We
walk
together
and
kiss
in
the
sunny
days,
as
if
summer
is
just
around
the
corner.
】
3.
“我们的爱情是从雪花开始的,一点点地堆积,渐渐地成为一座我的雪人。
”
【Our
love
started
with
snowflakes,
accumulating
slowly,
and
gradually
becoming
my
snowman.
】
4.
“当风雪来袭的时候,我始终相信有一堆雪人在一起,就能温暖彼此,度过难关。
”
【When
the
storm
comes,
always
believe
that
a
group
of
snowmen
can
warm
each
other
and
get
through
the
difficulties.
】
5.
“我们的爱情就像雪人手中的那颗红苹果,鲜红、美丽,充满生命的气息。
”
【Our
love
is
like
the
red
apple
in
the
snowman's
hand,
bright
and
beautiful,
full
of
vitality.
】
6.
“就像雪人需要冰雪来生存,我的爱情也需要你来存在。
”
【Just
as
a
snowman
needs
ice
and
snow
to
survive,
my
love
needs
you
to
exist.
】
7.
“在这个世界上,只要有你和我做的雪人,我就觉得很幸福。
”
【In
this
world,
as
long
as
there
are
snowmen
made
by
you
and
me,
feel
very
happy.
】
8.
“这个冬天,我喜欢和你一起堆雪人,一起在雪中留下美好的回忆。
”
【This
winter,
like
to
build
snowmen
with
you,
leaving
beautiful
memories
in
the
snow
together.
】
9.
“你就像一个冬日里的雪人,虽然冷漠,但是却可以给我带来无尽的温暖。
”
【You
are
like
a
snowman
in
winter,
although
cold,
but
can
bring
endless
warmth
to
me.
】
10.
“在冰冷的世界里,你是属于我的雪人,永远不会溶化,永远属于我。
”
【In
the
cold
world,
you
are
my
snowman,
never
melting,
forever
belonging
to
me.
】
11.
“就算我的雪人被冰雪掩埋,我也不会忘记你,因为有你的地方就有我的眼泪。
”
【Even
if
my
snowman
is
buried
by
ice
and
snow,
will
not
forget
you,
because
where
you
are,
there
are
my
tears.
】
12.
“一只袜子、两个手套、三颗煤球,加上你的微笑,就是一个完美的雪人。
”
【One
sock,
two
gloves,
three
pieces
of
coal,
plus
your
smile,
is
a
perfect
snowman.
】
13.
“在此刻,我们手牵手走在雪地中,传递着那份彼此的温暖,仿佛所有的寒冷都不存在。
”
【At
this
moment,
we
walk
hand
in
hand
in
the
snow,
passing
our
warmth
to
each
other,
as
if
all
the
cold
does
not
exist.
】
14.
“不管风雪如何肆虐,我的雪人、我的爱情都会与你一起面对,永远不分离。
”
【No
matter
how
the
wind
and
snow
ravage,
my
snowman,
my
love
will
face
it
with
you,
and
never
separate.
】
15.
“如果我的爱情是一座雪人,那么你就是他最重要的组成部分,是他的灵魂。
”
【If
my
love
is
a
snowman,
then
you
are
his
most
important
component
and
his
soul.
】
16.
“你的微笑如阳光一般照亮雪地,给我的心带来无尽的温暖。
”
【Your
smile
shines
on
the
snow
like
sunlight,
bringing
endless
warmth
to
my
heart.
】
17.
“也许我的雪人并不完美,但是在你眼中他却是世界上最美丽、最可爱的。
”
【Maybe
my
snowman
is
not
perfect,
but
in
your
eyes,
he
is
the
most
beautiful
and
lovely
in
the
world.
】
18.
“在这个冬季,你是我的伴侣,我的摇篮,我的雪人,我的一切。
”
【In
this
winter,
you
are
my
partner,
my
cradle,
my
snowman,
my
everything.
】
19.
“在雪地里你和我,像两个孩子一样欢笑、奔跑、堆雪人,一切都是那么美好。
”
【In
the
snow,
you
and
I,
like
two
children,
laugh,
run,
and
build
snowmen,
everything
is
so
beautiful.
】
20.
“我会像爱护雪人一样爱护我们的爱情,即使外面再冰冷,我们的内心依旧充满炽热的爱。
”
【I
will
cherish
our
love
like
we
cherish
a
snowman,
even
if
it's
cold
outside,
our
hearts
are
still
full
of
burning
love.
】