.jpg)
1.
Time
is
like
a
river,
always
flowing
forward,
never
backwards,
and
with
it,
we
must
learn
to
move
on
and
let
go
of
the
past.
【时间河流,向前流动,我们必须学会放下过去。
】
2.
Each
moment
is
precious,
for
once
it
is
gone,
it
can
never
be
regained.
Cherish
the
present,
because
right
now
is
all
we
have.
【每一个时刻都是宝贵的,一旦过去了就再也回不来了,重视当下,因为此刻就是我们唯一拥有的。
】
3.
The
passage
of
time
is
both
cruel
and
beautiful.
It
steals
away
our
youth
and
dreams,
but
also
brings
wisdom
and
new
beginnings.
【时光的流逝既残酷又美丽,它夺走了我们的青春和梦想,但也带来了智慧和新的开始。
】
4.
Life
may
be
fleeting,
but
the
memories
we
create
remain
forever.
Let
us
make
every
moment
count
and
leave
a
legacy
of
love
and
hope.
【生命短暂,但我们创造的回忆永远留存。
让我们珍惜每一刻,留下爱与希望的遗产。
】
5.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
it
also
takes
away
what
we
hold
dear.
Let
us
make
the
most
of
every
moment
and
cherish
the
people
and
things
we
love.
【时间可以治愈一切创伤,但它也夺走我们所珍视的。
让我们充分利用每一刻,珍惜我们所爱的人和事物。
】
6.
Every
ending
is
a
new
beginning,
and
every
goodbye
is
a
chance
to
say
hello
to
something
better.
Let
us
embrace
change
and
welcome
the
unknown.
【每一个结束都是一个新的开始,每一个告别都是说hello更美好的机会。
让我们拥抱变化,欢迎未知。
】
7.
Time
flies
like
an
arrow,
but
memories
last
forever.
Let
us
make
every
moment
count
and
create
a
life
worth
remembering.
【时光如箭,记忆永恒。
让我们珍惜每一刻,创造值得铭记的人生。
】
8.
The
sands
of
time
keep
slipping
away,
but
our
legacy
remains.
Let
us
make
the
most
of
each
day
and
leave
a
positive
impact
on
the
world.
【时间的沙漏不断滑落,但我们的遗产依然存在。
让我们充分利用每一天,对世界留下积极的影响。
】
9.
Time
may
change
everything,
but
love
remains
constant.
Let
us
share
our
love
with
the
world
and
spread
kindness
wherever
we
go.
【时间可能改变一切,但爱是不变的。
让我们将爱分享给世界,无论走到哪里,都传播善意。
】
10.
Life
is
a
journey
filled
with
twists
and
turns,
but
every
detour
leads
us
closer
to
our
destination.
Let
us
trust
the
journey
and
enjoy
the
ride.
【生命是一段充满曲折的旅程,但每一个弯路都会让我们更接近目的地。
让我们相信旅程,享受过程。
】
11.
Time
is
a
gift
we
must
not
waste.
Let
us
make
every
day
count
and
live
life
to
the
fullest.
【时间是一份我们不应浪费的礼物。
让我们充分利用每一天,尽情享受人生。
】
12.
The
passage
of
time
may
be
relentless,
but
so
is
the
human
spirit.
Let
us
face
each
challenge
with
courage
and
resilience.
【时间的流逝以及人类的精神都是不可阻挡的。
让我们勇敢地面对每一个挑战,保持韧性。
】
13.
Time
can
be
both
a
friend
and
a
foe.
Let
us
learn
from
the
past,
live
in
the
present,
and
prepare
for
the
future.
【时间既可以是朋友也可以是敌人。
让我们从过去中学习,生活在当下,为未来做好准备。
】
14.
The
passing
of
time
may
bring
loss
and
heartache,
but
it
also
brings
growth
and
transformation.
Let
us
embrace
the
changes
and
become
the
best
version
of
ourselves.
【时间的流逝会带来失落和心痛,但也会带来成长和变革。
让我们拥抱变化,成为最好的自己。
】
15.
Time
is
a
teacher,
and
life
is
the
classroom.
Let
us
learn
from
our
experiences,
grow
from
our
mistakes,
and
become
wiser
with
each
passing
day.
【时间是一位老师,生活是一间教室。
让我们从经历中学习,从错误中成长,每一天都变得更加聪明。
】
16.
The
clock
ticks
on
relentlessly,
but
we
are
the
ones
who
decide
how
to
spend
our
time.
Let
us
make
meaningful
choices
and
invest
in
our
passions
and
dreams.
【时钟不停地走过,但我们决定如何花费时间。
让我们做出有意义的选择,投入我们的热情和梦想。
】
17.
Time
is
a
precious
resource,
and
our
most
valuable
asset.
Let
us
use
it
wisely,
and
make
a
positive
impact
on
the
world.
【时间是一份宝贵的资源,也是我们最珍贵的资产。
让我们明智地利用时间,对世界产生积极影响。
】
18.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
time
is
our
companion.
Let
us
make
the
most
of
every
step,
and
create
a
life
worth
living.
【生命是一段旅程,时间是我们的伴侣。
让我们珍惜每一步,创造一个值得生活的人生。
】
19.
The
sands
of
time
may
be
infinite,
but
our
time
on
this
earth
is
not.
Let
us
live
each
day
as
if
it
were
our
last,
and
make
a
difference
in
the
world.
【时间的沙漏可能是无限的,但我们在这个世界上的时间却不是。
让我们活在当下,每一天都变得有意义,对世界产生影响。
】
20.
Time
does
not
wait
for
anyone,
and
neither
should
we.
Let
us
seize
the
day,
chase
our
dreams,
and
build
a
life
we
are
proud
of.
【时间不等人,我们也不应该。
让我们抓住今天,追逐梦想,构建一个我们骄傲的人生。
】