.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
biggest
tears
come
from
the
smallest
things.
"
【感慨万千】
2.
"The
pain
of
love
is
the
same
as
the
pleasure
of
love,
it's
just
one
of
the
consequences
of
truly
caring
for
someone.
"
【爱恨交织】
3.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
let
go
of
the
person
you
love,
not
because
you
want
to,
but
because
it's
the
right
thing
to
do.
"
【放手才能拥抱新的可能】
4.
"The
wounds
that
hurt
the
most
are
often
the
ones
we
can't
see.
"
【做一个坚强的人】
5.
"You
know
you're
in
love
when
you
can't
fall
asleep
because
reality
is
finally
better
than
your
dreams.
"
【爱情让人沉醉】
6.
"Never
leave
the
person
who
loves
you
for
someone
who
likes
you.
"
【珍惜爱你的人】
7.
"The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
to
watch
the
one
you
love,
love
someone
else.
"
【世事无常】
8.
"Happiness
is
not
the
absence
of
problems,
it's
the
ability
to
deal
with
them.
"
【积极面对困难】
9.
"Memories
are
the
ghosts
of
our
past
that
haunt
us
in
the
present.
"
【回忆胜于遗忘】
10.
"The
heart
wants
what
it
wants,
even
if
it
leads
to
pain.
"
【执着的情感】
11.
"It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【分离带来的伤痛】
12.
"Sometimes
holding
on
does
more
damage
than
letting
go.
"
【拒绝沦为被动】
13.
"The
best
way
to
heal
a
broken
heart
is
to
give
love
another
chance.
"
【重拾爱情】
14.
"The
tears
we
cry
are
the
rivers
that
take
us
back
to
where
we
belong.
"
【悲伤的背后是重新开始的机会】
15.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【离别,永诀】
16.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
"
【不占有,只因欣赏】
17.
"The
worst
part
of
missing
someone
you
love
is
the
realization
that
they
might
not
miss
you
back.
"
【思念落空的哀伤】
18.
"Distance
doesn't
separate
people,
silence
does.
"
【坦诚沟通关键】
19.
"The
hardest
part
about
moving
on
is
accepting
that
the
other
person
already
did.
"
【无法忘记的过去】
20.
"The
only
thing
worse
than
being
hurt
is
pretending
that
you're
not.
"
【真实的面对自己的情绪】