.jpg)
1.
Together
we
can
achieve
anything
we
set
our
hearts
to.
【协作精神】
2.
When
we
work
together,
we
can
create
magic.
【协同合作】
3.
Cooperation
is
key
to
success,
let’s
work
together.
【协作胜利之门】
4.
Alone
we
can
do
so
little,
but
together
we
can
do
so
much.
【合作共赢】
5.
true
team
is
more
than
just
a
group
of
individuals
working
in
the
same
place.
【团队协作精神】
6.
Collaboration
is
the
cornerstone
of
any
successful
endeavor.
【合作共赢】
7.
No
one
can
succeed
alone,
let’s
join
forces
and
build
something
amazing.
【团结合作】
8.
The
power
of
many
voices
coming
together
as
one
can
move
mountains.
【万众一心】
9.
Alone,
we
are
just
a
drop
in
the
ocean,
but
together
we
can
make
waves.
【集思广益】
10.
Let’s
ditch
the
competition
and
embrace
collaboration,
we
are
stronger
together.
【共同成长】
11.
Trust,
communication
and
teamwork
are
all
essential
for
success.
【信任沟通团队合作】
12.
True
collaboration
requires
an
open
mind
and
a
willingness
to
listen.
【开放心态与合作精神】
13.
Working
together
is
not
just
about
achieving
goals,
it’s
about
building
relationships.
【协作须有人情味】
14.
When
one
of
us
falls,
the
rest
of
us
are
there
to
pick
them
up.
【团队精神与互助合作】
15.
We
all
have
different
strengths
and
weaknesses,
working
together
lets
us
maximize
our
potential.
【优势互补】
16.
Collaboration
is
not
about
sacrificing
individuality,
it’s
about
bringing
unique
perspectives
to
the
table.
【独特视角】
17.
Alone
we
may
only
have
a
flicker
of
light,
but
together
we
can
ignite
a
flame.
【众志成城】
18.
The
more
we
work
together,
the
more
we
learn
from
one
another.
【彼此学习共进步】
19.
Collaboration
allows
us
to
break
down
barriers
and
achieve
what
we
couldn’t
do
alone.
【协作推动发展】
20.
team
is
only
as
strong
as
its
weakest
link,
let’s
lift
each
other
up.
【团队强大的关键是协作与共勉】