1.
"I
forgot
my
wallet
at
home.
"
【无奈的朋友聚餐】
2.
"The
elevator
is
out
of
order.
"
【无奈的上班族】
3.
"I
missed
my
flight.
"
【无奈的旅行者】
4.
"The
restaurant
is
fully
booked.
"
【无奈的情侣约会】
5.
"I
have
a
flat
tire.
"
【无奈的驾车出行者】
6.
"I
lost
my
phone.
"
【无奈的手机掉落者】
7.
"I
have
a
deadline
tomorrow
and
I'm
out
of
ideas.
"
【无奈的写作者】
8.
"I
can't
find
my
keys.
"
【无奈的锁门者】
9.
"It's
pouring
rain
and
forgot
my
umbrella.
"
【无奈的湿漉漉的人】
10.
"I
have
a
terrible
cold.
"
【无奈的生病人】
11.
"I
accidentally
spilled
coffee
on
my
shirt.
"
【无奈的上班族】
12.
"I
ran
out
of
gas.
"
【无奈的驾车出行者】
13.
"I
can't
sleep.
"
【无奈的失眠者】
14.
"I'm
stuck
in
traffic.
"
【无奈的上班族】
15.
"I
can't
afford
it.
"
【无奈的购物者】
16.
"I'm
lost.
"
【无奈的旅行者】
17.
"I
missed
the
last
train.
"
【无奈的晚归者】
18.
"I
have
a
flat
tire
and
don't
know
how
to
change
it.
"
【无奈的驾车出行者】
19.
"My
computer
crashed
and
lost
all
my
work.
"
【无奈的写作者】
20.
"I
have
a
toothache
and
can't
get
to
the
dentist
until
next
week.
"
【无奈的牙痛者】